Everly Turns One || Poway Family Session
Do you ever wonder how time slips by so quickly and yet there are days that seem to never end? Time is such a funny thing that seems to stretch or change speed, yet it's one of the most constant things we have. I can't believe a year has already come and gone from this little one's birth. Everly just turned one this May and she couldn't be any cuter! We did this session in Poway, just around Alyssa and Nate's home and my goodness I can't believe all the pretty trees. Even as I was driving to their house for this session that morning I was noticing just how covered and lined with trees the roads were. It kind of took me back home a little bit or at least gave me a nostalgic sense of the east coast. The sky was perfectly covered with clouds giving us just enough light and keeping us just cool enough to have a great shoot. Everly had the most darling little boho teepee display made by her mama and we went adventuring on a nearby trail for some extra shots. Everly may have loved the flowers and foliage around us way more than she loved my camera, but she did so great. Nate played her favorite song by Shakira almost the entire session and by the end he started playing her bed time songs and she began to fall asleep right in her mama's arms. It was the sweetest thing. Even though she fell asleep, we couldn't just end the session. We snuck in some sweet mama and babe shots and they ended up being my absolute favorites. I love how snuggly sleepy babies are. When I went back through these images I looked at the ones with Everly and Alyssa and I just had this sense of what motherhood is. Motherhood is being a servant and full of sacrifice. It's joy, love, sweet moments, full of kisses, peace, quiet ...and then not so quiet. It's the hardest job and the most important job you could ever be called to do. I can't say from experience yet what motherhood is and I imagine it's different for everyone, but just by looking at sweet little Everly snuggle up on mamas chest in the middle of a walking trail, I saw a glimpse.
Thank you Nate, Alyssa, and Everly for sharing this special celebration with me!

I love being involved through every season of the couples and families I work with. It gives me so much joy to watch your love grow and and to capture those moments that can escape us so quickly. Take a look at Alyssa and Nate's cute mini session pregnancy reveal!